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Department of Psychology

The Department of Psychology, National Chung Cheng University

Overview (complete version)


The Department of Psychology, established by Dr. Ovid Tzeng (the academician of Academia Sinica), has offered degree programs respectively at bachelor, master and PhD levels since 1992, 1990 and 1993. The postgraduate program of Applied Psychology was established in 2002 and renamed Clinical Psychology in 2003.      

As the mission of the Department is to prepare students to be future psychological specialists, we provide excellent academic faulty and specialized research laboratories in six major fields of psychology, including cognitive, developmental, physiological, social, quantitative, and clinical, which have been the core resources for students to acquire both breadth and depth of psychological knowledge.   

Teaching Objectives

Our undergraduate program is designed to give the student a thorough psychological knowledge and its application as a foundation for further research and/or future careers. For graduate programs, we emphasize on offering the student advanced knowledge and research skills. As to the graduate program in Clinical Psychology, it aims to prepare students for being professional clinical psychologists.   

Special Features of the Department 

  1. It has been the Departments tradition that we have great faculty-student relations and provide psychological support for southern region of Taiwan.
  2. Our faculty members are specialized in diverse fields so that the students can be equipped with a thorough understanding in psychology.
  3. Our academic staffs have made remarkable achievements in research and have encouraged both undergraduate and graduate students to participate in their research projects. Students’ dissertations and conference papers have also been awarded many times by professional psychological organizations.
  4. Our academic staffs have played an active role in multidisciplinary teaching and collaborative research program. The students have actively taken modules from cross-disciplinary program as well.       

Program Structure (program content and credit requirements)

Undergraduate program

The compulsory modules cover fundamental knowledge across most of the major areas in psychology, and students are encouraged to take advanced modules to have an in-depth understanding in psychology and cross-disciplinary modules for interdisciplinary perspectives.

Graduate program

Both masters and PhD programs have focused on providing students with psychological expertise and methodological skills, and clinical placements are offered for the students of MA in Clinical Psychology to acquire practical clinical experience.     


Our graduates have a wide range of career options, including educators and researchers (e.g. school teachers, researchers and counselors), clinical psychologists, counseling psychologists, civil servants, and officers in HR(recruitment, training and activity planning), testing, advertising and marketing, designing and management in research and development. Most of our PhD graduates are employed in universities or research institutes as full-time academic staff or researchers. 

Admissions (domestic student and international student)

There are multiple ways for admissions, including college entrance examination, individual application, school recommendation and transfer examination. Admission is also open for overseas Chinese students (undergraduate and postgraduate programs) and students from mainland China (graduate programs).  

Overview (condensed version)


The Department has offered degree programs respectively at bachelor, masters and PhD levels since 1990, 1992 and 1993.

Our mission is to prepare students for future psychological specialists by providing broad and in-depth knowledge of six major areas (cognitive, developmental, physiological, social, quantitative, and clinical) in psychology.

Teaching Objectives

Undergraduate program: a thorough psychological knowledge and its application

Postgraduate programs: to cultivate specialist knowledge and research skills

Postgraduate program in Clinical Psychology: to prepare students for clinical


Features of the Department

  1. It is the Departments tradition to vale learning and doing research. We also have great staff-student relations, providing psychological support outside of school.
  2. Our academic staff are specialized in diverse fields of psychology.
  3. Our academic staff have made remarkable achievements in research and emphasized on developing students’ research skills.    
  4. Our academic staff have actively participated in multidisciplinary teaching and collaborative research programs. The students have also taken modules from cross-disciplinary programs.      

Program Structure

Undergraduate program:

The compulsory modules cover fundamental knowledge across most of the major areas in psychology, and students are encouraged to take advanced and cross-disciplinary modules.

Postgraduate programs:

Psychological expertise and methodological skills have been the main focus. There are clinical placements offered for MSc in Clinical Psychology. 


Mostly are educators, researchers, psychologists, civil servants, and officers in HR, testing, advertising and marketing, designing and management in research and development.

Admissions (resident student and international student)

By joint college assigned-subject examination, application, school recommendation and transfer examination.

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